iRobot Roomba j7+ vs s9+ Comparison Review

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The latest iRobot Roomba is the Roomba j7+ and base model j7. How does it compare with iRobot’s top-of-the-line s9+ model?  Let’s find out! 

This article will compare the base models (Roomba j7 vs s9) and their Plus+ models (Roomba j7+ vs s9+).

If you’re in a hurry, the Roomba j7+ will provide the best value for most households, especially for those with pets. The new PrecisionVision Navigation feature will help with avoiding pet waste, toys, electrical chords, and other things laying around the floor. 

Learn more about which Roomba is best

Roomba j7+ vs s9+ Features

Plus Features – Clean Base and Self-Empty

Before we get into everything, let’s discuss the various models to make it easier and for less repetition. 

They both have Standard Base and Plus models. The Roomba j7 and j7+, and the Roomba s9 and s9+. 

The only differences between the regular (j7 and s9) and plus models (j7+ and s9+) are the self-empty base, the Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal Self-Emptying docking station.

The Roomba j7 and j7+ are the same exact robot vacuums, but they recharge on different docking stations. The j7+ docks on the Clean Base unit, which is where it self-empties. 

Similar to the j7/j7+, the Roomba s9 and s9+ are also the same robot vacuums, and they also charge on different docks. The s9+ docks on the Clean Base station to recharge and self-empty. 

If you have a smaller budget, you can always buy the cheaper base models, j7 and s9, first. Then purchase the Clean Base units separately at a later date and turn your regular Roomba into a plus Roomba. 

The Clean Base units are measured to hold 60 days of debris, which is about 30 dustbins worth of debris. How long before you need to change the disposable debris bags that hold the dust bin depends on how large your home is and how often the Roomba is run. 

Design, Size, and Weight

The first major difference between the Roomba j7+ and s9+ is the way they look.

The j7+ has the iconic circular shape that Roomba vacuums are known for. The s9+ is Roomba’s first D-shaped model. The D-shape design and flat side give the s9+ better access to the dust and debris along walls and corners.

When it comes to weight and size, the Roomba s9+ is a tad heavier and taller than the j7+. 

 Roomba j7 and j7+Roomba s9 and s9+
Weight3.4 kg (7.49 lbs)3.7 kg(8.15 lbs)
Height8.6 cm (3.4 inches)8.9 cm(3.5 inches)

Battery and Capacity

Both the Roomba j7+ and s9+ have lithium-ion batteries that charge and run efficiently. 

Roomba j7+ and s9+ both have a battery life and run time of 75 minutes. If you have a larger home, don’t worry.

They both have the Recharge and Resume feature that tells the Roomba to go back to the charging station to recharge. After the robot vacuum has finished recharging, it will resume vacuuming where it stopped before going to recharge.

The Recharge and Resume feature is great. I don’t need to worry about charging the Roomba in the middle of cleaning sessions. And since they both self-empty dust and debris, I can just leave it to run and come home to clean the floors. 

There are no battery differences between the Roomba j7+ and s9+. 

Cleaning Technology System and Suction Power

The cleaning power is a big differentiator between the Roomba j7+ and s9+.

Compared to the suction power of the Roomba 600 series, the j7+ is 10x the suction and the s9+ is 40x stronger. That extra suction power allows the s9+ to suck up smaller and bigger debris that the j7+ suction may not be able to pull up, especially with carpets. 

They both also have iRobot’s Premium 3-Stage Cleaning System where they lift, loosen, and suck up dirt and debris. 

Dual Brush Rollers and Edge Sweeping

The Roomba j7+ and s9+ both have dual multi-surface brush rollers that will do the work of agitating carpets and debris to be able to suck them up. They’re part of the 3-stage cleaning system to lift and loosen dirt off floors. 

The brush rollers are made of rubber, so that significantly decreases the chance of pet hair entanglement. Old-school bristle rollers will lead to tangled pet and human hair that is very difficult to untangle.

They also both come with edge-sweeping brushes for wall edges and corners. The edge brush on the s9+ is more effective because of the D-shape. The edge sweeper is in the 90° angled corner, which gives it more reach and easy reach than the circular shape. 

The brush rollers on the s9+ are 30% longer too as they’re located on the straight-edge of the D, so they get more surface area coverage. The j7+ rollers are in the middle of the circle shape, but they are shorter too, so the j7+ doesn’t cover as much surface area on each cleaning pass. 

Another cool feature of the brush rollers is their ability to adapt to different floor heights, especially when it comes to carpet to hardwood floor to a rug. The rollers will move up and down to accommodate different heights. 

Filters and Dustbin Capacities

iRobot Roomba vacuums utilize High-Efficiency Filters, which are not quite HEPA level filtration, but still good. You can find HEPA filters that are Roomba-compatible on Amazon or other online shops

The Roomba j7+ has a washable 500-ml dustbin capacity and the s9+ has a 400ml capacity. The dustbin size doesn’t matter that much when it comes to the Plus models, because they can recharge and self-empty automatically. 

Navigation and Mapping 

A new navigation system has been introduced with the Roomba j7+, PrecisionVision Navigation. The onboard cameras help the j7+ avoid objects and obstacles in its cleaning path, like charging cords and pet waste.

Yes, you finally don’t need to pick up dog poop or other objects on the ground before your Roomba starts a cleaning session anymore. If you have small children like me, the Roomba may not be able to run through a maze of toys.

If the new navigation somehow breaks down and misses the obstacle of dog poop, iRobot is also including a P.O.O.P. (Pet Owner Official Promise) guarantee. The coverage is for one year and if there are issues, they will replace the Roomba for free! 

When it comes to creating clean maps, they have similar smart mapping features. After the j7+ or s9+ has mapped your floor plan, you can create room names, allowing you to tell the Roomba where to clean and not clean. 

These Smart Maps will allow the Roombas to more efficiently clean your home because it knows the layout of your home. 

You will be able to create and customize “Keep Out Zone” areas that the Roomba will avoid during cleaning sessions. The iRobot app will allow you to customize and review maps and cleaning sessions. 

In addition, they have Imprint Smart Mapping Technology that works with the Braava jet m6 robot mop. Once the j7+ or s9+ are finished vacuuming, the m6 will start mopping the same areas that were vacuumed. 

iRobot Home App with iRobot Genius

The iRobot Home App has always been great to be able to schedule cleanings and customize cleaning maps. 

It now includes iRobot Genius for both the Roomba j7+ and s9+. Genius will use your personal cleaning habits to create customized cleaning schedules.

It will also use local area pollen counts and pet shedding season to schedule extra cleaning sessions as it will be dirtier. 

The Home app will give you extra features like: 

  • Start, Pause, Stop Cleanings
  • Voice control (with an Alexa device)
  • Cleaning History 
  • Zoned Cleaning 
  • Smart Maps
  • Send Robot Back to Charge


Maintaining the robot vacuums is important to keep them running in optimal condition for as long as possible. Keep these maintenance tips in mind: 

  • Empty and Clean DebrisEmpty the dustbin and Clean Base disposal bags. 
  • Clean the Filters – Clean the Roomba filter for any built-up dust and debris. Replace the filter every few months. More often if it’s regularly running or your area gets dustier than others. 
  • Clean the Brush Rollers – Remove pet hair and other debris that’s sticking to them. 
  • Clean the Edge Sweeping Brush – Remove any hair and debris from them. 

iRobot Select Membership

Ever wanted to have a top-end Roomba, but didn’t have the budget to buy one outright? 

The brand-new iRobot Select Membership program allows you to get a Roomba on a subscription model. You pay a monthly fee and possibly an activation depending on the Roomba you want. 

Roomba Select started October 2021. It’s only available for the Roomba j7 and j7+ at the moment. 

Select benefits include a Premium Protection Plan and the ability to upgrade your robot vacuums every 3 years. That makes sure you’re always up-to-date with the latest technologies for the most efficient and effective cleaning. 

There’s also an accessory replenishment feature to help you with making sure you’re always stocked with accessories to replace them when needed. 

It’s a monthly payment of $29, but the activation fee is $99 for the j7+ and $0 for the j7. 

The customer service support team is also available to you. 

Roomba j7+ vs s9+ Differences

There are many similarities between these two top Roomba robot vacuums in the iRobot lineup. Here are the key differences. 

  1. Roomba j7+ is available for the iRobot Select monthly membership program.
  2. Roomba j7+ has PrecisionVision Navigation, so it will detect and avoid objects and include them in maps for future cleanings. 
  3. Roomba s9+ has 40x suction power compared to the 10x on the Roomba j7+. That gives the s9+ better cleaning ability with carpets. 
  4. The Roomba s9+ D-Shape gives it an edge when cleaning along the walls and corners of the floor.
  5. The Roomba s9+ has wider brushrolls that allow it to cover more surface area with each floor pass, making cleanings faster. 

Who is Each Roomba Better For?

So which is better and for who? 

  • If you have a large home, get the Roomba s9+. 
  • If you have more carpets than hardwood floors, get the Roomba s9+. 
  • If you want faster cleaning times, get the Roomba s9+.
  • If you don’t have a large home, get the Roomba j7+. 
  • If you have pets and they’re not housebroken, get the j7+ for their ability to avoid pet waste.
  • If you have kids and they leave a lot of toys on the floor, get the j7+ for their ability to avoid obstacles. 
  • If you’re price sensitive, get the Roomba j7+ and consider the iRobot Select Membership. 

Roomba j7+ vs s9+ Final Thoughts

Both robots can do amazing things. They both work well and they both offer great value for money. The main difference will come down to your needs and home layout. 

If all else is equal, I’d go with the Roomba j7+ as it offers better value and has the obstacle avoidance feature.

For more popular Roomba comparisons:

FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

Roomba j7 vs j7+ Differences

The only difference between the Roomba j7 and j7+ is the addition of the Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal Self-Empty station with the j7+. All other specifications and features are the same on the regular j7 and the Plus model, j7+. The Clean Base is well worth it too, because you can go to work for the day and the Roomba will clean and empty its dustbin by itself.  

Roomba s9 vs s9+ Differences

Same as other regular models vs Plus models, the Roomba s9 and s9+ are the exact same robot vacuums. The difference is the inclusion of the self-emptying Clean Base docking station when you purchase the Plus model. The s9+ is worth the extra cost, so you don’t need to empty the dustbin manually.

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Written by:

Michael Hoyt
Michael Hoyt, a seasoned expert in smart home technology and robot vacuum specialist, is renowned for his contributions to home automation. With a deep-seated knowledge of smart devices, he has dedicated his career to enhancing living spaces with advanced technology. Michael's expertise extends from in-depth reviews and recommendations to practical advice on fully automating homes with smart home solutions.