You surely do not have time to clean your floors daily. This will not be an issue when you have a great robot vacuum. All you have to do is choose between the Neato Botvac D85 vs Roomba 860.
Whether you live alone, or you have a big family, your floors are going to get dirty. Every time you walk through your space, debris gets tracked from room to room. Regular vacuuming and sweeping are the only ways to get rid of it.

Like most adults, you likely do not have time to worry about cleaning your floors most days of the week. This is where a robot vacuum can come in and help you. However, to ensure the highest level of efficiency, you have to pick the one that will serve your home the best.
Two viable options include the Neato Botvac D85 vs Roomba 860. These two vacuums have their similarities and differences. By comparing them head to head, you can determine which device will keep your floors the cleanest with the least intervention on your part.